Review- Convenience Store Woman

By Sayaka Murata (translated by Ginny Tapley Takemori)— (no spoilers) Convenience store woman follows Keiko Furukura who has never conformed to society and is regarded by her family with exasperation and concern. She works in a grocery store in Japan and is 36 years old, with no wish or inclination for any promotion, any relationshipContinue reading “Review- Convenience Store Woman”

Review- The Girl With the Louding Voice

By Abi DarĂ© — (no spoilers) I got through this book in about two days and loved reading it. It is about a fourteen year old girl called Adunni who grows up in a small village in Nigeria and longs for education, a wish that was being fulfilled until the death of her mother someContinue reading “Review- The Girl With the Louding Voice”

Review- Picture Perfect

By Jodi Picoult — (no spoilers) Picture Perfect follows the anthropologist, Cassie Barrett as she recovers from amnesia induced by an accident. She is married to Alex Rivers, an adored Hollywood celebrity who she met on a film set in Africa. She regains her memory, with the help of the policeman Will Flying Horse whoContinue reading “Review- Picture Perfect”

Review- Everything I Never Told You

By Celeste Ng — (no spoilers) This is a fascinating story centered around these curious, twisted family dynamics. The novel opens with “Lydia is dead” and follows the rest of Lydia’s family as they try to cope and understand the death of their seemingly ‘perfect’ daughter. We discover the secrets, history and perspectives of eachContinue reading “Review- Everything I Never Told You”

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